Uhh..breasts and the will to go with the flow! Seriously that is literally all you NEED. But, in this modern world there are a few things I would say definitely make things easier to continue to breastfeed. Here are some of my favorites I have ALWAYS used while breastfeeding.
Top 7 items for breastfeeding
Seriously, this is one product I always buy for moms as a baby shower gift. It’s great especially if you have a heavy let down; but it is a great way to save every ounce of liquid gold. You just attach it to the breast your baby is not feeding from and it collects any breast milk that flows out of the breast not in use.
2. A good pump
This is going to vary for everyone, but the only pump I have actually liked is the Medela brand. I have been a product tester for new pumps and I’ve tried out pumps I got for free through my insurance (please look into this!). I have always come back to Medela. Also while pumping I like a hands on approach; so always massaging your breasts as you pump to help get the most out.
3. Breastfeeding accessible clothing
If you’re going to be successful breastfeeding, your clothing needs to be accessible and easy to move out of the way. Generally a good set of nursing tanks under a flowy or oversized t-shirt has always been my go to when I breastfeed in public. I like that the longer nursing tanks cover my stomach and then my t-shirt can cover a lot in the top area.
4.Nursing Pads
For me, the reusable/washable pads I wear around the house and the disposable ones I wear out. The reason for this is most of my nursing tanks/bras aren’t padded so they’re thin. With the washable pads they’re more bulky and show through my shirts. So just for my own preference I choose to wear the thin disposable ones out that I know will absorb any and all leaks.
5.Nursing cover
In the beginning I did not feel as confident and comfortable breastfeeding in public. I had gotten a nursing cover and used that all the time. It was when it just got too hot and my baby HATED the extra heat while eating that I finally gave in and just did the two shirt method. Everyone is different and always do what is most comfortable for you!
6.Milk storage bags
If you’re pumping you are going to need storage bags. The Lansinoh Breastmilk Storage Bags have always been my go to and I have never had a problem with them ripping or leaking.
7.Nipple Cream
In the first couple weeks as you and baby learn together how to breastfeed, your nipples might get sore. A good nipple, all natural nipple cream can help the issue. Now if it continues and it becomes painful after a few weeks please seek help from a lactation consultant to make sure the baby’s latch is good. Breastfeeding shouldn’t be painful.
You are going to do great, mama!

These are my top seven that I know I have ALWAYS used. There are of course more products and items out there for breastfeeding, but I have never used them long enough to say they’re needed. Like a nursing pillow; I had received one but didn’t use it longer than a day.
Every woman has a different journey with breastfeeding and different items that helped them through it. Don’t get caught up in the advertisements and the long baby registry lists out there. Know that what you have on your body is all you really NEED to breastfeed.
Let us know in the comments what your favorite products were in your breastfeeding journey!
Links to all items mentioned:
Nursing Tanks
Washable Pads
Nursing Disposable Pads
Nursing Cover
Milk Storage Bags
Nipple Cream

Read more on how my breastfeeding journey got started here.
Find a lactation consultant here.
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