In case you haven’t noticed, around here we like to lessen the toxin load but still not stress over everything. Stress is actually worse than some toxins you eat.
The internet can be a great blessing as you have TONS of information at your fingertips. Some of that information is the actual inserts of ALL vaccinations. These inserts are more than the VIS (Vaccine Information Sheet) one page they hand you at appointments.
If you want more information to dig into and something to read nightly, here is a list of my top five books that’ll help you on your journey for more in depth information.
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“The Moth in the Iron Lung is a fascinating biography of this horrible paralytic disease, where it came from, and why it disappeared in the 1950s.”
“Using myth-shattering graphs, this book shows that vaccines, antibiotics, and other medical interventions are not responsible for the increase in lifespan and the decline in mortality from infectious diseases.”
“Dr. Cowan looks at emerging evidence that certain childhood illnesses are actually protective of disease later in life; examines the role of fever, the gut, and cellular fluid in immune health; argues that vaccination is an ineffective (and harmful) attempt to shortcut a complex immune response; and asserts that the medical establishment has engaged in an authoritarian argument that robs parents of informed consent.”
“It contains summaries of 400 important scientific papers to help parents and researchers enhance their understanding of vaccinations.”
A Handbook for Making Informed Medical Decisions. Written by the woman behind JustTheInserts on Instagram.
These five books are just the start. Always dig for information for yourself, and choose what is right for your family and your family alone.
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