No, you do not need that!
Let me explain.
We have been homeschooling fulltime two kids since 2018. Yes, before the whole 2020 debacle of what people think homeschooling really is. When we first started looking and researching into homeschool and what we needed, there were SO many pretty pictures of these beautiful homeschool rooms. They had it all: the chalk boards, the desks, the maps on the walls, the organizational buckets, these morning baskets. Immediately I felt overwhelmed and like we were doomed to fail if we did not have a homeschool room.

So I went and set up the front dining area as our homeschool room. I got as much as we could afford that I saw in those pretty Pinterest worthy rooms. I felt more confident we had the homeschool room, then I did with the curriculum I landed on. So we began our homeschool journey…
It just did not work for us
When within less than a month my children were never in the homeschool room, but instead at the dining room table doing their work with me. Or they were laying in the living room reading upside down on the couch. When the weather cooled down in the mornings two months later, we were outside in the driveway. And we have never looked back since to having a dedicated homeschool room.

What we have now as we start our 2024 homeschool year, this time with three children, is one long desk that is made for two people (no longer on Amazon but the stock photo is included above), a small wooden table the kids use for their play kitchen and our dining room table. We have one giant beautiful world map, a nice kid calendar, shelves dedicated to storing our supplies and two years worth of homeschool portfolios; but there is nothing Pinterest worthy about the room.
We are very now focused on which curriculum we choose, as we now have a 9th grader with hopes of getting an athletic college scholarship, and spending the homeschool room decor money on fun outings, sports, and experiences.

Homeschool rooms are still beautiful
I still am in awe and love looking at all those who have those beautiful homeschooling rooms. I am not, nor will I ever, say that they wasted their time and money. It works for some homeschool families, but it is not needed to actually get started.
Here is a post of some items you might need for your homeschool journey.
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